New road opens in Lenoir

New road opens in Lenoir

Council and staff cut a ribbon on Hotel Street Wednesday, April 6, 2022. Pictured from left: Main Street Director Kaylynn Horn, former Public Works Director Jared Wright, Parks & Recreation Director Kenny Story, Councilman David Stevens, Public Utilities Director Radford Thomas, Councilman Ralph Prestwood, Mayor Joe Gibbons, Finance Director Donna Bean, Councilman Jonathan Beal, Police Chief Brent Phelps, City Manager Scott Hildebran, Assistant Fire Chief Kenny Nelson, and City Attorney T.J. Rohr.

The City of Lenoir City Council and staff held a ribbon cutting to officially open Hotel Street yesterday, April 6, 2022.

Hotel Street connects Linkside Court to Hibriten Drive. The road was paved in January and the fence between the road and the golf course was completed in February.

During high traffic, it can be difficult to turn left onto Wilkesboro Boulevard when leaving the Hampton Inn or Linkside Court. Hotel Street gives Hampton Inn visitors and residents of Linkside Court and the Veridian apartments access to Hibriten Drive and the stop light at Hibriten Drive and Wilkesboro Boulevard, which makes it easier to turn left onto Wilkesboro Boulevard.

Hotel Street also provides an additional ingress and egress to American Motel, Blue Ridge Tire, and Napa Auto Parts.

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