National Night Out to be hosted Oct. 4

National Night Out to be hosted Oct. 4

FROM THE CITY OF LENOIR - The City of Lenoir Police Department will host National Night Out in Downtown Lenoir Tuesday, Oct. 4, 2022. National Night Out is an annual event that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. This year's event will include live music by Darren Bryant, Patrol Vehicle Best in Show contest, Twist the Balloon Man, and free hot dogs, popcorn, and drinks. Shake-N-Dog is providing the hot dogs. There will also be information displays about the Police Department's Special Response Team, Wildlife Enforcement, and Caldwell County Animal Care. "National Night Out is a great event that brings police officers and residents together," said Police Chief Brent Phelps. "It's a good opportunity for people to meet officers in a friendly setting and to learn about the department. It's also an opportunity for our officers to meet people in the community." National Night Out starts at 6:00 pm and will be held in the Downtown core on Main Street and West Avenue. Learn more about the history of National Night Out at

Picture: Residents stop for a photo during National Night Out in Downtown Lenoir in 2019.

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This year’s festival will also feature Twist the Balloon Man, live music by Darren Bryant, a Patrol Vehicle Best in Show competition, and free hot dogs, popcorn, and beverages.
The hot dogs are provided by Shake-N-Dog.

Israeli lawyer Moshe Strugano, 50, was a busy man

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