Caldwell County Schools is now registering kindergarten students who will turn five years old on or before August 31, 2022. Parents are encouraged to go online at and complete an enrollment form.
“Children will be introduced to a new and exciting educational environment,” said Superintendent Dr. Donald Phipps. “We want this first year to be a positive experience for both the family and the child. There are many opportunities to ensure a successful school experience, and to get a good solid start, we encourage all parents to register early and participate in kindergarten screening.”
To register, parents go to the district website at and follow the prompts on the kindergarten registration dashboard. This begins the process of adding a child’s record into the student information system.
Kindergarten screening is separate from the registration process and occurs on a school campus. Parents should bring the following documents to the kindergarten screening:
- Personal and emergency information;
- Verification of birth date --- a certified copy of the child's birth certificate or other satisfactory evidence;
- Proof of residence (i.e. current utility bill, property deed or rental lease); and
- The child's updated immunization record.
North Carolina law requires that every child have a completed kindergarten health assessment on or before the first day of school, but no more than 12 months before the date of school entry. The kindergarten assessment forms are posted on the PreK webpage at and are available at schools, doctor’s offices, and the Caldwell County Health Department.
Once kindergarten registration is completed, the student’s school will contact parents to schedule a screening appointment or to sign up for kindergarten screening, a parent or guardian should contact their child’s assigned home district school. If a school transfer has been submitted during the Open Enrollment period, then parents should schedule an appointment at the school requested for transfer. In the event the transfer request is not approved, the student’s records will be sent to the home school.
Kindergarten screenings are scheduled in March and April. During these events, students and parents meet classroom teachers, tour the school, and become more familiar with the school environment. Representatives from parent organizations (PTA or PTO), WrapAround (before and after school program), transportation, and the child nutrition program are onsite to provide information on their respective areas and distribute resource materials.
The 2022 Kindergarten Screening schedule is listed below:
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The student’s school will get in touch with parents to set up a screening appointment once kindergarten registration is complete. Alternatively, parents can sign up for kindergarten screening by contacting their child’s designated home district school. In the event that a school transfer request was made within the Open Enrollment period, parents should make an appointment at the requested new school as define at SweetStudy. The student’s records will be forwarded back to the home school if the transfer request is denied.